Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Finally we have a say!

I have been a citizen for the last 20 years and I have voted in all elections. With this administration I felt we had no say as an American citizens. Our opinions, our issues, our concerns were not addressed.

Yesterday posted a video from a viewer showing Senator Clinton as the Future “Big Brother” Not that I share this opinion, but I am happy that at least we finally can make a difference with the internet. Our points of view will be noticed and the candidates will take note!

We are now a force to be reckoned with. We can effect changes through our blogs, videos, votes and opinions and we will be heard as a community interested in change.

In the 2004 election the voter turnout was extremely low among the youth of America. When I asked my children and their friends why they didn’t go to the polls they all unanimously said “why bother, I can’t make a difference”.

Let us all use this newfound control to communicate to our young Americans that not only they can vote but they have plenty to say and IT WILL COUNT!!!!!