Thursday, December 7, 2006

Domain names for those entrepreneurs out there....

For those of you planning an online business, the first thing you need is obviously a domain name.

For staters try to pick a name that has something to do with the business you are in i.e.: or Your new domain name or url will also be part of your keyword phrase.

It is also wise to take your geographical location in mind when you are buying a domain name ( if you live in the Los Angeles area. This will help you target your market to the area you work in.

Once you are ready to buy you can select one of the many companies out there that sell domain names at very reasonable prices. Take a look at Get an account from them. They always have specials for as little as $5.99 for a domain name.

Then check to see if your chosen url is available and voílà! You have a registered domain name

Hope that helps


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